
Sunday, December 26, 2010


i'm really incredibly lucky, and i wanted to blog about why.

see, my life is quite stressful. i am under quite a bit of stress from day to day.
  • i have a five year old who won't quit.
  • i have a small amount of money deposited into my bank account every two weeks by the government and an ex husband who is not around to help raise said child. (this money does not make raising child any easier, just slightly cheaper for me.)
  • i have an on-again/off-again boyfriend who regularly gets on my nerves, constituting a break-up every so often, resulting in the grim realization that my life is pretty shitty without him, and an amicable resolve of the conflict.
  • i have a mother who is overly-involved with the ins and outs of my life, even though I am approaching 28 years on this planet and have kept myself alive for many of those years.
  • i have a sister i adore but cannot relate to, nor she to me, ending up in some pretty confusing discussions/arguments which are only put aside by our mutual frustrations associated with our moderately overbearing mother.
  • i have three friends i see on a semi-regular basis, one of whom lives next door to me, making me kind of unavoidable, and a bunch of friends i don't seem to see or hear from very often, bar the occasional unsocial socialization of "social networking".
  • i have a backlog of vehicular fines, two family loans (don't try THAT one at home, kids!), the worst phone in history, a tiny one-bedroom apartment i share with two cats and aforementioned five year old (who gets the bedroom, while i sleep on the couch), and a history of anxiety/depression.

but i am lucky. and here's why.

  • i have the loveliest five year old on the planet. she is caring and thoughtful and funny and helpful. she makes me laugh, and hugs me when i cry. (which i do often!)
  • the small amount of money i have allows me to eat, keep a roof over my head, and go see awesome bands from time to time. it also means that doctors and buses are cheaper. (thanks, Centrelink!)
  • i have the best man in the world, who doesn't need me to be his "girlfriend" to love me. no matter what's going on in either of our lives, we're there for each other, we love each other, we support each other, and we have better sex than anyone is having. (trust me.)
  • my mum is there when i need her, and provides incredible services like short-term money lending, babysitting, and a shoulder to cry on. my sister provides the same. and there is never a doubt in my mind that they love me.
  • and when my friends do come out of the woodwork from time to time, we have great catch-ups, and they say nice things about my band, and we laugh and hug and drink and are merry. they also allow me to practice my amateur psychology, which is always a hoot!
And I got to meet my hero once =)

i am lucky. and i am grateful.

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