
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Quitting Smoking Is Fun

Don't everyone hate me for that title, but it's true. The Easyway method by Alan Carr has made it enjoyable beyond measure!

I've been a pack-a-day smoker for the better (or worse) part of ten years, more usually. Champion Ruby rollies. I was hooked but good. And yet I've now gone three days without so much as a puff, with almost no cravings at all!

See, when you put so much stock in the cigarettes and what you think they're giving you, and you quit for whatever reason, you feel deprived, like you're missing out, like you're giving something up.

But knowing that nicotine is the cause of the problem, not the solution, has made it feel like what it truly was: slavery from addiction!

Nicotine does not aide my stress/boredom/relaxation/concentration, I am creating the need for nicotine by smoking the previous cigarette, and when i light another to relieve my withdrawal pangs, iteaves me free to focus on whatever task is at hand. By removing nicotine from my system, my body will no longer crave it. Not only will lighting up do nothing for me, but it will be putting nicotine back into my system to start the process all over again.

There is no "just one cigarette", just like one drink for an alcoholic. That's it for me. I don't want to waste my life away hating the fact that I smoke and feeling deprived when I can't light up. Non-smokers don't crave nicotine. I didn't need cigarettes ten years ago to enjoy myself or have confidence or to concentrate. And I don't needd them now.

I am free, and loving how it feels!
Everyone talks about how hard quitting smoking is, but when it's this fun, it's not hard at all!


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