
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Catch Up

So after a little break from blogging, it's time to play catch up. Lots has happened in the last two weeks, it seems to have flown by!
I'm still not smoking, nor am I craving cigarettes, either! I'm really happy about it. It's also encouraged me to be active, which I'm loving! I go to the park most days, sometimes twice a day, to work out and play with Lily, sometimes V comes too, it's great. I'm hoping to lose weight from it, although my metabolism is so shot, it might take a little while to show.

Vaughn and I spent our first anniversary together, and got back together, which is good. There didn't seem any point to being broken up, since we still love each other and want to be together. I think we both finally realized that being together or apart doesn't solve anything, and that we can deal with whatever problems that come up together. I don't think he'll ever want to be with me 100%, and I guess that will have to be ok. I love him, and I'd rather have that than be with someone else just so I'd know they're 100% convinced. It's a strange state of affairs, but he brings out the best in me, and I don't want anyone else.

My sister's wedding is in three weeks, and despite my current views on the topic (which are jaded due to my own divorce, and will likely change in time) I'm really happy for her! She has a lovely husband-to-be, and I know they'll be very happy when it's done and dusted. Despite the simplicity of their wedding plans, it's been very stressful for her, with our mum having gone overboard beyond belief in her demands and insistences. I'm just hoping they can enjoy their day, so I'm going to be doing the mum-wrangling for the day. I also get to do the centrepieces for the reception tables, so that's pretty exciting! Pics up after the wedding!

Well, that's enough for now. More soon, I promise. Included is a pic of my new haircut, and a pic pf some pretty rad make-up I did last weekend.


  1. The lifestyle and love is doing you good, my friend. You looked so happy and healthy when I saw you on Fri. I'm glad all is well. ^.^

  2. thanks, beautiful.
    adore you immensely.
