
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thoughts On Love And Pain

If your lover has lost their passion for everything, including you, what is your responsibility to them?

Knowing full well that it may never return, do you stay?
Do you stay because you love them?
Do you stay out of some hope that their desire will return?
Do you stay because your heart cannot bear to be without them?
Do you stay because giving up that hope means giving up on them?
Do you stay, knowing that every time you see them, its going to hurt that little bit more, not seeing that passion in their eyes which was once there?

Or do you walk away?
Hoping that setting them free brings them back to you?
Protecting your heart from the pain of  the unrequited desire you would be reminded of every time you see them?
Allowing the universe to take you where you need to be without forcing a relationship and a person that has lost its spark?

How do you stop the pain when all you're reminded of when you see the one you love is what you once had, what you thought you'd always have?

And is it even possible to get it back?

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